Conditions of veteran supervision

Just what is expected of the veteran?

Both PTI and VTI cases are supervised by the Department of Corrections. Both felony and misdemeanor charges can be placed in either program.The first step in the process is signing the Acknowledgment of Conditions and Waiver of Speedy Trial. Once all parties sign this document and it is filed withthe Clerk, the Veteran has formally entered into a Diversionary Agreement with either the State Attorney's Office (PTI) or with the Court (VTI). After enteringinto this agreement, the Veteran is referred to the Department of Corrections (DOC) for supervision. This is when you are assigned a probation officer.The following are examples of the forms involved in these programs and the conditions of supervision:

Upon an offer of PTI from the State Attorney or an offer of VTI from the Court, the Veteran and his/her attorney will be required to review and sign the Acknowledgmentof Conditions and Waiver of Speedy Trial.

The PTI version automatically includes a requirement for Admission of Guilt and Employer Notification. These are standard special conditions of PTI. Ask your attorney to explain these to you if you don't understand. In some cases, the State Attorney may grant a waiver for one or both of these special conditions. Any additional special conditions are agreed upon by your attorney and the State Attorney.

The VTI (felony) version includes the special conditions associated with the VTI Program. As you can see, they are primarily treatment related. The Court can waive or modify one or more of these special conditions, depending on the circumstances of your case. Any additional special conditions are agreed upon by your attorney, the State Attorney, the VJO, and the Court.

The primary difference between the felony and misdemeanor forms is the length of time for waiver of speedy trial. Otherwise, the special conditions are the same.

Before you leave the courtroom, you will be required to report to the in-court DOC Probation Officer. This officer will provide you with reporting instructions. You will be required to report to the probation office at the date and time you and the officer agree upon so that you can complete the intake process.

During intake you will be provided with a formal written agreement that was prepared using the information contained in the Acknowledgment of Conditions and Waiver of Speedy Trial. Your officer will read every condition to you and make sure you understand everything before you leave the office. After reading the agreement to you, you and the officer sign the agreement. The officer will then acquire the remaining signatures and file the agreement with the Clerk.

After the agreement is filed with the Clerk, a copy will be provided to the Veteran. This is a very important document so keep it in your records with your other court documents.Don't hesitate to ask anyone on the VA Court Team any questions about your treatment or your supervision. Make sure you have the contact information for your officer,your Mentor, and the VJO. The only stupid question is the one you didn't ask!